How to use Xhorse VVDI MB BGA Tool and Mini ELV Simulator to replace/program Mercedes- Benz W204/W207/W212 ELV? Here is the tutorials.
Here takes 2006 Mercedes Benz C300 W207 as an example.
Prepare all devices below:
Xhorse VVDI MB Tool
Xhorse VVDI Mini ELV Emulator
Benz W207 ELV
A working key
Benz Test platform
12V adapter
What is Xhorse VVDI MB Mini ELV Simulator ?
✔ Upgrade version of Xhorse ELV Simulator, dimension 5 times smaller, higher cost performance.
✔A super mini substitute for the original ELV/ESL.
✔ Support all Benz vehicles equipped with W204/W207/W212 directional lock.
✔ Support directly exchange the directional lock in the position of the original car.
✔ Emulate the ELV sound of the original car.
Operation steps:
Connect VVDI MB with EIS, Benz test platform and 12V adapter power on the test platform
1.Read EIS data
Run VVDI MB Tool software
Click EIS Tools>> Read EIS Data
Read data success and the EIS is normal.
2.Calculate password
Step 1: Select working key, communicate mode and chassis
Select Password Calculation>> Chassis W172, 204, 207 with ELV
Step 2: Press “Data Acquisition” to start with following step:
- Insert the working key to EIS, wait5 seconds
- Takeout the working key, and then insert again
- Take out the working key and insert into the VVDI MB IR reader
- Data acquisition in process
- Insert the working key into EIS, wait 30 seconds
- Insert the working key to VVDI MB Tool IR reader, wait…
- Save acquisition dataafter reading
Step 3: Press “Upload Data” to send acquisition data
Step 4: Tick Auto refresh and press “Query result” to get result
Calculate password online success.
3.Replace the original EIS data
Copy the password
Go to EIS Tools, paste password to corresponding area
Save EIS data
Save as HC05 format
Press Get to search erase password
Find erase password success
Save and replace previous EIS data
Save and replace HC05 format file
4. Replace Benz ELV
Install VVDI MINI ELV Emulator
Select ESL Tools>> Read ESL data>> Load ESL data
Upload the ESL data read previously
Tick Auto clear TP and personalized
Press Write
Confirm use ESL emulator for the ESL
Write data successfully
Read EIS data again
Finally, connect the Mini ELV Emulator with vehicle to test if can start the car normally
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