Recently, some customers asked how to transfer ownership if they want to buy a used foxflash ECU programmer or sell their foxflash to a friend. It can be done by your original seller or foxflash official tech support. Check the details below.
Method 1: Contact your original seller
Please send your foxflash tool S/N and order information. (Ensure you are purchasing an eligible item)
Your seller will report the transformation request to foxflash team.
Method 2: Contact
Please send your foxflash S/N, seller information and request
Foxflash Official Website Instructions:
Before buying used foxflash products, foxflash tech will ask you send both the serial number of the tool and the data of the seller so that you know:
-Type of license and activated software packages
-Possibility of installation on other computers
-Warranty on any damage
-Cost of transfer of ownership
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