How to add Benz W211 New Key by CGDI MB?

How to add Benz W211 New Key by CGDI MB with CG MB BE Key?

Here is the steps:

Connect CGDI MB to vehicle’s OBD2 port and computer, also need to connect internet on computer

As the wifi signal is weak, so connect to the smartphone hotspot with security key.

Run CGMB software to start ‘copy key with key’ process

First, go to EIS-EZS menu to read EIS data (interface: OBD, Chassis number: W169, 209, 211)

There are two keys used.

Then, go to Computer Password to collect data and upload.

It will do auto-identification, just follow the prompt to operate.

  • Insert the originak car key into the EIS
  • Insert the origianl key into theCGDI MB device and wait for the collection
  • Insert the original key into the EIS 10s and dial out
  • Insert the original key into the EIS
  • Pull out the key for 5 seconds and then insert the key into EIS
  • Insert the original key into the CGMB device
  • Save the generated files

Next, upload the data to calculate password

After that, click Query Result to query

Compute password success, copy the password and paste it to the corresponding position of EIS-EZS, and save the EIS data.

Go to Generate key File to upload the original EIS file to generate

Insert the CG BE key into the hole of CGDI MB key programmer

Go to Read/Write Key function menu to read key/chip, and select the 3rd key with 51 format to write

Write key successfully

Insert the CG BE Key programmed into EIS to learn

Sometimes also need to insert the origianl one and wait

Read the EIS data again, the last used key number turns to 3.

Finally, test the original key and CG MB BE key, both work well.

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