PCMTuner Extention Module Buying Guide: With the extention modules, PCMTuner can read/write more ECU dates, And help you solve reading / connction problem.
PCMTuner Extention Module 1 : MPM ECU TCU Tool
MPM is best for American Car ECUs: Buick, Cadillac Chevrolet Chrysler Dongle Ford Hummer Jeep Opel Saab, have all GM protocols, OBD read ECM and TCM. All work in OBD, no need damaos for GM cars.
Bundle Sale: PCMtuner ECU Programmer Plus MPM
PCMTuner Extention Module 2: Fetrotech Tool
PCMTuner Extention Module 3: GODIAG GT107 Plus GT105
GODIAG GT107 ECU IMMO Kit is a DSG gearbox connection adapter. DSG Gearbox maintenance engineers can clone, diagnose and repair DSG Gearbox ECU and can also read, write and adjust data for DSG Gearbox ECU via PCMFlash, PCMTuner, and Kess V2 etc. This adapter has automatic and manual selection for PCMFlash software. For data reading and writing, you can choose "Auto", and for diagnosis you can choose "Manual". For other software kessv2, DQ200, DQ250, DQ500 you can also choose "Manual".
Bundle Sale: PCMtuner Plus GODIAG GT107 DSG Gearbox Data Read/Write Adapter
PCMTuner Extention Module 4: OBD2 Breakout Cable
Some ECU data must be read by OBD and if these ECU can only be read by OBD are removed from the car, you can't use bench or boot connection to read data directly. You need OBD breakout cable to do connection.
Bundle Sale: PCMtuner + GODIAG GT107 + Breakout Tricore Cable
PCMTuner Extention Parts:
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